New Features and Important Changes in ctools 2.0.0 6 June 2022 Introduction ------------ This document briefly summarizes the changes that have been made in this ctools release with respect to the precedent release. Configuration ------------- Added support for ASTRI and FACT instruments (#4058). Documentation ------------- Add Astrophysics Source Code Library (ASCL) shields to "About" page (#3630). Add test/ script and check-tutorial target to test the code in the Sphinx tutorials (#3510). Python interface ---------------- None Support model ------------- Added optimizer setter to ctlikelihood base class. Base classes ------------ Renamed virtual abstract ctool::run() method to ctool::process() and introduce high-level non-abstact class ctool::run() that handles the counting of running GApplication instances. In that way a tool knows whether it is a child or a parent application (#3592). ctbin - CTA event binning ------------------------- Stamp output counts cube (#3662). Removed implicit conversion warning during C++ compilation (#3324). ctbkgcube - CTA background cube generation ------------------------------------------ Stamp output background cube (#3662). ctbutterfly - Generate butterfly diagrams ----------------------------------------- The ASCII output file was replaced by a FITS file, and the butterfly() method now returns a GFits objects instead of a GCsv object (#1707). The output FITS file is also stamped (#3662). ctcubemask - CTA cube filtering ------------------------------- Stamp output masked cube (#3662). ctedispcube - CTA energy dispersion cube generation --------------------------------------------------- Stamp output energy dispersion cube (#3662). cterror - Likelihood profile error computation ---------------------------------------------- None ctexpcube - CTA exposure cube generation ---------------------------------------- Stamp output exposure cube (#3662). ctfindvar - Variability search ------------------------------ Stamp output FITS files (#3662). ctlike - Maximum likelihood fitting ----------------------------------- Added iter(), logL(), nobs() and npred() methods to access class attributes. Added the "refit_if_failed" parameter that instructs ctlike to do a refit in case that the initial fit failed. Failures considered are a stalled fit, an exhaustion of the maximum number of fit iterations, or a significant difference between the number of observed and predicted events. Added to the log file the "Total number of iterations" which is the sum of the iterations in the initial fit and a potential refit. The model fitting results, such as log-likelihood value, number of iterations etc. are now added to the output XML file (#3431). A bug was fixed in the implementation of the "fix_spat_for_ts" parameter that only fixed the spatial parameters for the first of the sky models but left the spatial parameters free for all additional sky models. Now the parameters are fixed for all sky models (#3426). ctmapcube - CTA map cube generation ----------------------------------- Stamp output map cube (#3662). ctmodel - CTA counts cube modelling ----------------------------------- The tool now stores the keyword RA_PNT and DEC_PNT in the output model cube so that these cubes can be read by ctcubemask and other tools (#3915). Stamp output model cube (#3662). ctobssim - CTA observation simulation ------------------------------------- Stamp output event files (#3662). Added models() method allowing for a setting of the model container without using the "inmodels" parameter (#3441). ctphase - Event phase computation --------------------------------- Stamp output event files (#3662). ctprob - Event probability computation -------------------------------------- Stamp output event files (#3662). ctpsfcube - CTA point spread function cube generation ----------------------------------------------------- Stamp output point spread function cube (#3662). ctselect - CTA event selection ------------------------------ Stamp output event files (#3662). Replaced std::tmpnam() by gammalib::tmpnam() function in ctselect (#3324). ctskymap - CTA sky mapping -------------------------- Stamp output sky map (#3662). cttsmap - Generation of Test Statistic map ------------------------------------------ Stamp output TS map (#3662). Added hidden "fix_spat" parameter that instructs the tool to fix all spatial model parameters (#3562). ctulimit - Compute upper limit ------------------------------ The tool now accepts also spatial parameters as parname argument so that upper limits can be determined on spatial parameters (#4006) If the bisection results in a result that is incompatible with the previously determine best maximum log-likelihood value or if the bisection interval tends towards zero then update the best log-likelihood value with the current result and restart the bisection algorithm once more. This allows for dealing with ill-conditioned fit problems. support - Support classes ------------------------- Add stamping to ctool::save_event_list() method (#3662). csadd2caldb - Adds CTA response function to calibration database ---------------------------------------------------------------- New script that was added to support the installation of prod5-v0.1 CTA response functions into the calibration database. csbkgmodel - Generate background model for 3D analysis ------------------------------------------------------ None cscaldb - Inspect calibration database -------------------------------------- None csebins - Generate energy boundaries ------------------------------------ Stamp output energy boundaries file (#3662). csfindobs - Find IACT observations ---------------------------------- None csiactcopy - Copy IACT observations ----------------------------------- None csiactdata - Inspect IACT data store ------------------------------------ None csiactobs - Inspect IACT observation definition XML file -------------------------------------------------------- None cslightcrv - Generate light curve --------------------------------- Add confidence parameter to allow specifying confidence level for upper limit computation (#3725). Added support for rectangular On/Off regions. The "srcshape" parameter now can now be set to "RECT" to use rectangular sky regions. The parameter is now automatic. The parameters "width", "height", and "posang" were added to specify the width, height and position angle of the rectangular sky regions (#3248). csmodelinfo - Return model information -------------------------------------- None csmodelmerge - Merge models --------------------------- None csmodelselect - Select models ----------------------------- None csmodelsois - Puts selected sources in diffuse model cube --------------------------------------------------------- Stamp output diffuse model cube (#3662). csobs2caldb - Generate calibration database entry for an IACT observation ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stamp output IRF files (#3662). csobsdef - Generate observation definition XML file --------------------------------------------------- None csobsinfo - Return observation definition information ----------------------------------------------------- None csobsselect - Select observations --------------------------------- None csphagen - Generate On/Off observations --------------------------------------- Stamp output OGIP files (#3662). Added support for rectangular On/Off regions. The "srcshape" parameter now can now be set to "RECT" to use rectangular sky regions. The parameter is now automatic. The parameters "width", "height", and "posang" were added to specify the width, height and position angle of the rectangular sky regions (#3248). csphasecrv - Generate phase curve --------------------------------- Stamp output phase curve file (#3662). Added support for rectangular On/Off regions. The "srcshape" parameter now can now be set to "RECT" to use rectangular sky regions. The parameter is now automatic. The parameters "width", "height", and "posang" were added to specify the width, height and position angle of the rectangular sky regions (#3248). cspull - Generate pull distributions ------------------------------------ The ASCII output file was replaced by a FITS file (#1707). The output FITS file is stamped (#3662). csresmap - Generate residual map -------------------------------- Stamp output residual map (#3662). csresspec - Generate residual spectrum -------------------------------------- Stamp output residual spectrum (#3662). csroot2caldb - Generates calibration database from ROOT file ------------------------------------------------------------ Stamp output IRF files (#3662). csscs - Spectral component separation ------------------------------------- Stamp output FITS file (#3662). Added support for rectangular On/Off regions. The "srcshape" parameter now can now be set to "RECT" to use rectangular sky regions. The parameter is now automatic. The parameters "width", "height", and "posang" were added to specify the width, height and position angle of the rectangular sky regions (#3248). cssens - Computes sensitivity curve ----------------------------------- Add confidence parameter to allow specifying confidence level for upper limit computation (#3725). Added constraints on the minimum number of source counts in the sensitivity computations. The constraints are specified by the new parameters "mincounts", "bkgexcess" and "bkgrad". In addition, a "seed" parameter was added allowing to specify the seed value for the random number generators. Changes were also made to improve the stability of the sensitivity computation (#3668). The test source position is now used as pointing direction, eventually offset in galactic latitude by a number of degrees specified using the "offset" parameter (#3555). The ASCII output file was replaced by a FITS file (#1707). The output FITS file is stamped (#3662). csspec - Generates Spectral Energy Distribution ----------------------------------------------- Stamp output spectrum (#3662). The GModelSpectralFunc spectral model constructor is now used to convert any spectral model into a file function before spectral model fitting (#3626). Added BINS method that replaces the spectral model by a bin function that is implemented by the GammaLib class GModelSpectralBins. Using a bin function assures that spectral points are statistically independent (#3606). cssrcdetect - Detects sources in sky map ---------------------------------------- None cstsdist - Computes Test Statistic distribution ----------------------------------------------- The ASCII output file was replaced by a FITS file (#1707). The output FITS file is stamped (#3662). cstsmapmerge - Merge Test Statistic maps ---------------------------------------- Stamp output TS map (#3662). cstsmapsplit - Prepare split Test Statistic computation ------------------------------------------------------- None csviscube - Generate visibility cube ------------------------------------ Stamp output visibility cube (#3662). csworkflow - Execute workflow ----------------------------- None calutils - Calibration utilities -------------------------------- None ioutils - Input/Output utilities -------------------------------- None modutils - Model utilities -------------------------- None mputils - Multiprocessing utilities ----------------------------------- None obsutils - Observation utilities -------------------------------- Added support for rectangular On/Off regions in get_onoff_obs(). The "srcshape" parameter now can now be set to "RECT" to use rectangular sky regions. The parameter is now automatic. The parameters "width", "height", and "posang" were added to specify the width, height and position angle of the rectangular sky regions (#3248). comgendb - Generate COMPTEL database ------------------------------------ Added script (#3983). comlixfit - COMPTEL maximum likelihood fitting using SRCLIX algorithm --------------------------------------------------------------------- Added script (#3738). comlixmap - Generation of COMPTEL Test Statistic map using SRCLIX algorithm --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Added script (#3738). comobsadd - Combine COMPTEL observations ---------------------------------------- Added script (#3738). comobsback - Generate background model for COMPTEL observations --------------------------------------------------------------- Added script (#3738). comobsbin - Bin COMPTEL observations ------------------------------------ Added script (#3738). comobsmodel - Generate model for binned COMPTEL observations ------------------------------------------------------------ Added script (#3738). comobsres - Generate residuals of COMPTEL observations ------------------------------------------------------ Added script (#3738). comobsselect - Select observations from COMPTEL database -------------------------------------------------------- Added script (#3738). comobssim - Simulate COMPTEL observations ----------------------------------------- Added script (#3738). compulbin - Generate pulsar pulse profile ----------------------------------------- Added script (#3973). comsrcdetect - Detect source in Test Statistic map -------------------------------------------------- Added script (#3738). Examples -------- The show_butterfly,,, and scripts were adapted to deal also with FITS output files (#1707). caldb ----- None models ------ None