Name Last Update
dev Loading commit data...
source Loading commit data...
Doxyfile Loading commit data...
README.txt Loading commit data...


# GammaLib docs

This directory contains the gammalib documentation.

It consists of two parts:

1. Hand-written documentation in RST (restructured text) format
that can be converted to HTML or PDF with a tool called
Sphinx ---
2. Automatic API (application programming interface) documentation
that is contained in the C++ source code (.hpp and .cpp files)
and can be extracted as HTML or PDF with a tool called
Doxygen ---

To generate the documentation in html format locally use these commands
in the top-level folder of the GammaLib repository:

make doc

or if you only want the Sphinx or Doxygen part use:

make sphinx
make doxygen

Then point your web browser to
